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The Pioneer was initially designed as a Scout ship. However, as more and more expeditions were conducted, it became clear that the Pioneer’s hauling capacity wasn’t prepared for the marvelous wonders it could find. Pioneers were cheap and easy to manufacture, so it wasn’t much of an effort to upgrade it with a better hauling capacity.
Attack Vs. AI
Missile Capacity
Shield Max
Energy Max
Mining Power
Mining Speed
Mining Purity
Mining Eff.
Structural Amplifiers (starting point node): The storage units of the Pioneer are now designed so that each piece of Ore contributes to the structural defense of the ship. Each stored ore reduces damage taken by 1.5%.
High-efficiency Formers: Ore Fuser Tools in the Pioneer are enhanced with state of the art terraforming technology. Ore Fuser Tool now consumes 1 less Ore, and the created wall now has hardness 3.
Improved Mining Laser: Increase Mining Speed by 10%.
Prerequisites: Structural Amplifiers (1).
Aerodynamic Filters: Increase Speed by 1.
Prerequisites: High-efficiency Formers (2).
Unloading Dynamo (starting point node): Equip your Pioneer’s unloading bay with dynamos that empower your ship as they work. Damage done is increased by 10% for 30 seconds after ore leaves your Haul (including Ore Fuser cost). This effect doesn’t stack; reapplying it causes the buff timer to reset.
Prerequisites: **Aerodynamic Filters (**4).
Gravitic Destabilizers: A second upgrade to the storage units allows the ship to leverage the magnetic fields of the stored Ore to destabilize attacking enemies. Ships that damage you while over the ore threshold get their speed reduced by 10%. Ore Threshold: five (5).
Prerequisites: **Improved Mining Laser (**3) + **Aerodynamic Filters (**4).
External Ore Lockers: Increase Hauling by 2.
Prerequisites: Gravitic Destabilizers (6).
Magnetic Propulsion: An improvement to the Pioneer’s engines that further leverages the Ore magnetic fields. Increases speed by 20%. Bonus is doubled at full ore capacity.
Prerequisites: **External Ore Lockers (**7).
Backup Battery: Increase Energy by 20 points.
Prerequisites: **Magnetic Propulsion (**8).
Originally designed as a Scout ship, designers at Voyagîle repurposed the spaceframe for long trips and resource claiming. They also removed armor capacity to reduce mass and increase cargo speed.
Launched to great success in 2297, the Pioneer came to dominate the scouting role for more nearly two decades, only slipping below 50% for one quarter during the ill-fated 2303 launch of Teramin’s Jaguarundi hauler. Advancements in hot-swappable capacitors allowed the 2303 “B” model to mount a much stronger utility fog shielding system, revitalizing sales and nearly killing the Jaguarundi series within months.
When Parthenorbital’s Monitor shipped in 2310, Starbright marketed the Pioneer as a lower-cost alternative by improving the efficiency of nanofac blueprints in the “C” model and lowering licensing fees. While no longer the leading hauler craft, many pilots continue to swear by the reliable and trustworthy Pioneer.